Wisdom Teeth Pain

As you may know, wisdom teeth are the last teeth that emerge in your mouth. In general, they emerge between the ages of 17 to 25. But in some cases, it can emerge even later and about 1 in 5 adults do not get them at all. The four number of wisdom teeth are the third set of molars and appear at the furthest end of the upper and lower gums. Quite often, due to the lack of space, these teeth can emerge at an odd angle or only emerge partially. In such cases, they are termed as impacted wisdom teeth.
A wisdom tooth can give rise to a number of problems. Firstly, they can push against the adjacent molar which can lead to wisdom tooth pain or infection. In some rare cases, they can result in the formation of a cyst within the jawbone. This can damage the jawbone, teeth, and the surrounding nerves. Moreover, partially impacted wisdom teeth are harder to reach and clean properly. This can result in a decay in the area due to the trapped bacteria. Also, a wisdom tooth can cause pericoronitis, a painful inflammation of the gums.

The dentist thoroughly inspects the condition and takes an X-ray image of the tooth. When there is no impacted tooth, a few painkillers can help in wisdom teeth pain relief. If wisdom teeth extraction is needed, a small surgery is conducted by using a local anesthetic and the dentist removes the tooth after the socket is enlarged by applying some pressure. In some cases, the tooth is cut into smaller pieces before removal. There is usually some swelling and discomfort after the surgery that lasts for a few days.
If you are suffering from wisdom tooth pain, you will find experienced wisdom teeth dentists at Right Choice Dental Care for a pain-free solution with the best level of care and attention.
What is wisdom teeth?
Wisdom teeth are the upper and lower third molars, located at the very back of your mouth. They are the last teeth to surface in the mouth. They are called wisdom teeth because they usually come in when a person is 17 to 21 years old—old enough to have gained some "wisdom."
Some people have their wisdom teeth for their entire lives. Other people choose to have their wisdom teeth removed, sometimes before these teeth have broken through the gums.
How do you make wisdom teeth pain go away?
Impacted wisdom teeth may cause pain, aches, and tenderness. Ultimately, removing the wisdom teeth can help resolve these problems.
In the meantime, there are several over-the-counter medical treatments and natural home remedies available.
- Below are some at home tips that may help alleviate the wisdom teeth pain while awaiting removal from a dentist.
- Over-the-counter Ibuprofen for wisdom teeth pain.
- Apply an Ice Pack.
- Use over-the-counter Numbing Gel.
- Saltwater Swish and Rinse.
- Clove Oil/ Clove Buds.
- Make an Essential Oils and Vanilla Extract Soak or Rinse.
How Long Does Wisdom Tooth Pain Last? – The Healing Process
Recovery after a wisdom tooth extraction may vary and be relative to each person. Some people may experience discomfort longer than others. Other symptoms following the surgery may include swelling in the mouth and cheeks, mild visible bruising, stiff or sore jaw, and numbness or tingling in the mouth. The healing process may be similar to the following timeline:
- In the first 24 hours, blood clots should develop around the area of the extraction. This provides a protective layer over the exposed bone and nerve endings, as well as a foundation for new soft tissue to develop.
- In the 2-3 days following the procedure, you may notice a decrease in swelling in the mouth and cheeks.
- If your procedure required stitches, your dentist will remove these in 10-14 days.
- After two weeks, all bruising should fade, and you should be feeling back to normal.
Discomfort following a wisdom tooth extraction typically lasts from 2-7 days, but most patients are back to their normal routines in just 2-3 days.
How do you know if you have a wisdom tooth infection?
If you still have your wisdom teeth, you may be wondering if you are experiencing wisdom teeth pain. As the wisdom teeth come in, they can be very painful. How can you recognize this unique pain?
- You'll feel wisdom teeth pain at the back of your mouth, behind your molars.
- If you look into a mirror, you may even notice that your wisdom teeth have begun to poke through your gums.
- The area might also be red, enflamed and tender to the touch.
- Some people, however, don’t have any visible symptoms of wisdom teeth pain.
Oral pain can also have a number of other causes. They can include tooth decay, fracture or abscess, a broken or damaged filling, nightly teeth grinding, and gum infection. No matter what the cause though, you should still see your dentist when you experience oral pain.
How do you stop your wisdom teeth from hurting?
What are the risks of having your wisdom teeth removed?
After you have your wisdom teeth removed, you may have:
- Pain and swelling in your gums and tooth socket where the tooth was removed.
- Bleeding that won't stop for about 24 hours.
- Problems or pain when you try to open your jaw. This is called trismus.
- Slow-healing gums.
- Damage to dental work, such as crowns or bridges, or to roots of a nearby tooth.
- Dry socket, which causes pain and swelling and occurs when the blood clot that protects the open tooth socket is lost too soon.
- Numbness (freezing) in your mouth and lips after the local anesthetic wears off or because of an injury or swelling to the nerves in your jaw. Numbness usually goes away. But in rare cases, it may not.
- An opening into your sinus cavity if a wisdom tooth is removed from the upper jaw.
There is a small risk of death or other problems whenever a general anesthetic is used. The decision to have your wisdom teeth removed if they're not impacted has to be weighed against the risks and benefits of having them removed.